Save Hundreds a Year on Probiotics.

Save 30-50% on your favorite probiotics.

No Filler Probiotics

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No Filler Probiotics

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75,000+ Happy Customers

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75,000+ Happy Customers

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Outstanding Doctors, Support, Delivery, and especially the vitamins and medication. This company has changed my life.

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Outstanding Doctors, Support, Delivery, and especially the vitamins and medication. This company has changed my life.

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Outstanding Doctors, Support, Delivery, and especially the vitamins and medication. This company has changed my life.

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Outstanding Doctors, Support, Delivery, and especially the vitamins and medication. This company has changed my life.

Real member


Outstanding Doctors, Support, Delivery, and especially the vitamins and medication. This company has changed my life.

Real member


Outstanding Doctors, Support, Delivery, and especially the vitamins and medication. This company has changed my life.



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Bulk Probiotic Powders

Target multiple health issues with more strains.

Bifido, Lactobacillus, etc offered as single strains.

Strengthen your child's gut bacteria.

Convenient & Fresh

Convenient deliveries

Comes in monthly and quarterly shipments of daily doses. Try your first month for just $5.

Fresh, not dead

Most other shops that sell probiotics, either online or in-store, don't keep their probiotics refrigerated. No filler probiotics 100% need to be kept refrigerated and we keep all of our stock refrigerated.

No Filler Probiotics

Many additives and fillers like maltodextrin, magnesium stearate, or silicon dioxide could be worsening your symptoms. We don't use any fillers or additives in our probiotic powders.

Not all probiotics are the same.

Us Others Yogurt
Fresh from the lab to your door.
Survival through digestion


Whole body benefits beyond the gut


Convenient Delivery


No added sugar, preservatives, or additives.


Small-batch production lets us keep products updated with science.
Proven strain-specific validated clinical studies.


Manufactured in the USA.



Frequented asked questions

Why should I take probiotics?

You are home to a community of 38,000,000,000,000 microorganisms (mostly bacteria) that live in and on you. They perform critical functions like digesting food, managing inflammation, and synthesizing key vitamins, metabolites and neurotransmitters. This is your microbiome.

However, modern living disturbed the balance of this ecosystem. Antibiotic overuse combined with alcohol, sugar, tobacco, disrupted sleep, city-living, decreased breastfeeding, stress, poor diet, and other environmental factors, have depleted the diversity and richness of our microbiomes and impacted our health.

This goes beyond simple digestive issues. BulkProbiotics version of Garden of Life contains doctor formulated probiotic strains that deliver core benefits to the gastrointestinal system which, in turn, influence systemic health.

When will I feel something?

Everyone’s body is different, and the benefits you may ‘feel’ (reduced bloating, more regular bowel movements, higher energy) are often just the most visceral ones.

Many people feel results in as a little as 24-48 hours due to localized benefits like improved digestion. Other longer term benefits like cardiovascular health and metabolic function may take longer, or you may not notice anything at all. That’s completely normal. As long as you continue your daily intake, those beneficial microbes are doing their work inside to program, sustain, and enhance your health.

Are your probiotics compatible with my diet or dietary restrictions?


This is free from: Dairy • Gluten • Soy • GMOs • Binders • Preservatives • 11 other classes of allergens defined by the European Food and Safety Authority (EFSA)

It adheres to the following diets: Vegan • Vegetarian • Ketogenic • Intermittent Fasting

Will your probiotics survive digestion?

Yes. We select strains that are great at surviving stomach and bile acids.

We do not recommend taking probiotics in acid-resistant capsules that skip digestion. Your mouth, esophagus, and stomach have thriving communities of microbes (if you're up for it, we suggest you open the capsule and either mix in a drink or pour the contents directly into your mouth; if you exerience any kind of indigestion within 2 hours of eating or GERD/acid reflux, we highly recommend doing this).

Do you have an office in Iceland?


We have purchased our website name/domain from Namecheap. When anyone purchases a website name/domain from Namecheap their contact details are automatically replaced with an address in Iceland to protect them from spam and identify theft.
"Having scoured the globe for a domain privacy service that matches our needs, we’ve selected Withheld for Privacy, based in Iceland, a country known for its privacy standards."
We ship from the state of Georgia in the USA (we previously had a presence in the state of Washington).

Can I pick up my order in person?

Unfortunately, we do not offer local pickup.

Where is my order?

I got an email saying my order was shipped using USPS but my tracking doesn't show any updates yet. When we transfer packages to the USPS they are not scanned by them immediately. The USPS transports them to a distribution center where packages are sorted and scanned for the first time. Sometimes packages can get stuck during this period of transport without any scans even though we've given your package to the USPS and there may be a delay in when it gets scanned. Please give the tracking 1-2 days to update. If you feel like this is not the case, please email us and we will help you!

Can probiotics have a salty taste?

All probiotics taste different. Most people have only ever taken probiotics in a capsule, so the smell and taste of various probiotics may be new.

For example, probiotics like L. Rhamnosus GG and Clostridium Butyricum commonly use sodium salt components in the fermentation process, which is why they may have or over time develop a salty taste.



Do you ship with an ice pack?

No. It's not necessary because the probiotics are freeze dried so they can withstand warm temperatures during transportation. The ice pack will become the same temperature as the air in just a few hours.



Our Story

Our mission at BulkProbiotics is to make Gut Health accessible to everyone and we primarily do this by making probiotic formulations more affordable.

After many years of suffering and with no help from conventional doctors, many people wish they would have discovered the power of probiotics earlier. Whether you have SIBO, IBS, colitis, candida, brain fog/fatigue, etc we highly recommend experimenting with probiotics.  




*Statements above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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